A few years ago, while studying in Zanzibar, I met my good friend Meredith Holley. She and I haven't seen each other in a few years, but from the day we left Zanzibar, I have told her over and over that I would come visit her someday. I ventured out to Oregon the Saturday before Thanksgiving and stayed until the Saturday after. We did pretty much everything there is to do in Oregon! Here is a recap of my week!
After arrival later than expected on Saturday night, we decided to have an easy day on Sunday. I got to sleep late which was a nice start to vacation. We started the morning by eating some fantastic waffles at "Off the Waffle" where I had a waffle which chocolate chips, strawberries and whipped cream. We then ventured down to the river to watch a 5K that many of Meredith's friends participated in that morning. After meeting everyone, we decided to drive around Eugene. We stopped by the University, saw the law school, Hayward Track, and the basketball arena. It's a beautiful campus. We also decided to go watch a movie, as "Catching Fire" had just been release, and we are both avid Hunger Games fans. All in all, a great, relaxing start to the week.
Oregon Law |
Hayward Field |
Hayward Field, the most famous track and field in the country. It also looks like Nike threw up all over the University. |
Monday and Tuesday
We made our way to Portland for a few days to do some sightseeing. We stayed with Meredith's married friends, McKenzie and Tiffany. They were super amazing and welcoming, allowing us to crash in their cozy little home. When we arrived to Portland, we decided to spend some time in Powell's Books, one of the most famous bookstores in the US. It spans an entire city block. It's a little overwhelming, but a great place to explore if you are a book lover. We then made our way to VooDoo doughnuts, my only request for the entire trip. I have seen VooDoo on the travel channel and other food shows countless times, and being a lover of all things doughy and round, this was a must-see. We got a day-old bucket of doughnuts for $5, as well as a few fresh ones to enjoy at the picnic tables outside of the shop. I indulged in the "Old Dirty Bastard" which was a doughnut with chocolate glaze, Oreo crumbles and peanut butter. We finished the night by going out to dinner with our hosts at a place called "Bollywood Theatre," a fusion Indian place. It was delicious and totally hit the spot, as I had been craving Indian food for a few days.
On Tuesday, we went to Multnomah Falls, which is the second largest waterfall in the US. It was beautiful, and not too packed which was nice as I believe it is usually crammed with tourists. We opted for the coastal route back to Eugene, which although much longer, allowed me the opportunity to view the Pacific Ocean from the US for the first time. I've seen it from some Central and South American countries, but never from the US. It was beautiful. Very rugged and wild, completely different from the Atlantic.
Powell's Book Store |
The bucket of doughnuts |
VooDoo Doughnut Shoppe |
My Happy Place |
Culmination of my entire life, maybe? |
Loving the doughnuts also! |
Beautiful, crisp day to be outside. |
Pacific Ocean |
I insisted on touching the water |
A little unfocused, but my only pic with the Ocean, so it made the blog. |
Meredith |
We climbed Mt. Pisgah. It was beautiful, and after the bucket of doughnuts, we decided it was probably in our best interest to hike. We were also extremely exhausted, so we opted for some RedBox movies and a quiet afternoon laying around on the couch. I also had checked out some books front he library, so I was happy to sit around a read. On a side note, this was my first Thanksgiving not having to study for finals, so it was a nice activities to read books for fun and not some stupid law school outline.
I also went to my friend's Eric and Ally Ringer's home for dinner that evening. Eric and I worked PASSPORTkids! together my first summer. I knew that they had moved to Eugene a year ago, so I decided to see if I could meet up with them sometime over my trip. Ally made a wonderful dinner, and it was nice to catch up with them.
Almost to the top of Mt. Pisgah. Above the clouds. |
We decided another hike was in order, so as to earn our Thanksgiving meal. We went to Spencer's Butte. We took the steep trail up the mountain, and the longer trail down. We were not the only people who had this idea, the top was packed with hikers, enjoying the crisp morning. It was a beautiful hike. The sky was blue, the forest was lush and green, and the trees were huge! I had a blast hiking.
Later, we went to Meredith's friends home and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner. We stayed there for most of the afternoon and evening, then returned home to watch some television and go to sleep wary after our big meal.
We were told these were the Three Sisters. |
Queen of the World
Love my sweet friend |
We slept late on Friday, and decided to brave the stores and do a small bit of Black Friday shopping. We went to TJ Maxx, Nordstrom's Off the Rack, and Old Navy. I didn't find too much, but it was fun to be out and feel in the holiday spirit. We also went to the U of O bookstore so I could get some Oregon/Nike gear for the big game.
At 3 pm, we headed towards the stadium. I was decked out in Duck gear, and ready for some intense rivalry football. Meredith scored us some amazing, club seats right on the 50 yard line. All I can say is that the stadium was rocking. It's a great football atmosphere, the student section was awesome, people were pumped up! The Ducks won 36-35, but it went down to the last minute of the game. Such an intense, great game, could not have asked for a better game. After the game, we went home, I packed my suitcase and went to sleep as I nada 5 am flight bright and early.
Club Seats. 50 Yard Line. Boom. |
The U of O band and OSU band. |
Last night with my pal :) |
Decked out in Duck. Let's go Ducks! |
All in all, such a great weekend with Meredith. I was so thankful to spend so much time with my friend in such a beautiful place. Now, I've just gotta get Meredith to Kentucky!
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