A few months ago, I got an email saying the Backstreet Boys were coming to Cincinnati. I asked and asked and asked people if they would go with me to the concert. One by one, everyone told me no. I was super disappointed. I love the Backstreet Boys. I loved them when I was ten, and although I don't listen to them with the obsessively frequency I used to, I still love them dearly today. I get very nostalgic when I hear their music, it reminds me of old friends and funny thing I did when I was younger.
The Sunday before the concert, I had gone home to spend some time with my family. We decided to go to the lake on Sunday, so I rode over with Kenny, the girls, and Kenny's girlfriend Amber. Amber isn't too much older than me, and somehow we got onto the topic of BSB. I told her they were coming to Cincinnati, and how I'd really wanted to go but couldn't find anyone to attend the concert with me. First things first, Amber is a huge concert fan. Some people spend money on clothes or jewelry or going out, Amber drops money on concerts. She practically screamed when I told her about the concert, and excitedly stated she would definitely go with me, on the one requirement that we get "good" seats.
I was pumped to say the least. I knew, in terms of overall concert experience, going to see another BSB concert would just be fun. I got on stubhub and searched around for some tickets. We ended up buying 5th row tickets, spending entirely too much money on a band that really isn' current anymore. But did we care? Not in the slightest. That's why you work right? To do things you enjoy, i.e. see the Backstreet Boys from the 5th row.
Amber and I met in Cincinnati, as I had to come from a two-day immigration law conference I had attended in Louisville. We ate some delicious Chipotle, then headed to Riverbend, not wanting to be late for the openers which was Pauly D (yes, THE Pauly D from the Jersey Shore) and Jesse McCartney, also a teeny-bopper heart-throb. To say that we acted like complete 10 year olds would be a fair statement. My ten year old/twenty-five year old selves were absolutely dying. We jumped up and down, sang every lyric by heart, and screamed when (I swear this happened) two, COUNT 'EM...TWO, Backstreet Boys singled us out in the crowd and waved. We were so silly, but it was one of the most fun concerts I've ever attended. I had a great time. And I have to say, BSB might be my top-favorite band yet again :)
Enjoy some eye candy from the concert...
Giddy little school girls....muahaha |
Kevin Richardson. Nick Carter. Oh. My. Goodness. |
Singing some new tunes, which were quite nice if I do say so myself. |
One of the Kentucky boys....oh yes. |
Oh Howie D. You're my least favorite. But I still love you because you are a Backstreet Boy. |
My first love, Brian Littrell. I still love him, I'm not ashamed. |
Singing the classics. |
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