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"It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things" Donald Miller

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Maji Moto (Hot Springs)

My mom finally arrived in Africa.  After only about 12 hours of being in Arusha, my housemates and I decided to head to Maji Moto (the local hot springs) to swim for the day.  It was an interesting ride out there to say the least.  We put my mom on a cramped public bus, full of locals, and packed to the brim, to begin the journey.  After arriving in the village where the spring is located, we took seven pikipikis (motorcycles), one for each of us, on a 45 minute ride back to the springs.  It was an interesting sight seeing my mom hop on the back of a pikipiki, and ride off onto the dusty rode.  She LOVED it though, and don't let her tell you anything different.  We arrived back at the gorgeous hot springs, and enjoyed a nice long day of swimming and playing on the rope swing.  It was an amazing first day in Tanzania for my mom, and would only be the start of an 11 day adventure.  Here are some pictures from the day

Waiting for our motocycle drivers to arrive. 

This picture honestly does not do this place justice.


Katariina and I loving the sour patch kids my mom brought along!

After a long day of swimming at the hot springs.

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